Monday, January 17, 2011

Sissy Fists - Hit Me Car

here is the debut music video from my newest musical project, Sissy Fists. it is becoming more like a pop band, by which i mean there are vocal melodies in many songs. this is a thing i haven't done in a long time. ramon is the drummer. shot in beautiful bleak and bleary oakland:

the other musical still-goings-on are No Babis of course, writing more songs drawing on more composers and getting more musically out-there-- full length coming out in spring; yacob solo stuff which has shifted to performing with pre-recorded tracks so i can jump around-- music ranging from hardcore to electronoiz to free vocal improv to synthpop to bass clarinet art songs. i would still like to record the ten completed TFFW'z songs, but who knows when that will happen. and Sissy Fists is a song writing machine, working on our second tape currently. i am trying to do more scored music, or at least come up with the theories to apply before playing the instruments....