Thursday, February 17, 2011

what i did in alabama

in January 2011 i was in my home state of alabama for a minute.
there was a show at this totally deplorable smoky party coke bar
that i would never want to make money for,
but it was a benefit for a children's hospital.
and as it was a david bowie tribute night, i knew i could get on it and
learn some songs in a day
and severely fuck them up
making my them more mine than bowie's.
5 minutes is all i need for a show.
i did "scream like a baby" and "always crashing in the same car"

i got more handshakes than cups thrown at me
though my performance ellicited some of both
so consider it a success.
i wanted to bring some oakland back to my hometown.

here you may listen to the results.
the amazing roman gabriel todd plays tom drum
"only on the one,
with no frills".

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sissy Fists - Hit Me Car

here is the debut music video from my newest musical project, Sissy Fists. it is becoming more like a pop band, by which i mean there are vocal melodies in many songs. this is a thing i haven't done in a long time. ramon is the drummer. shot in beautiful bleak and bleary oakland:

the other musical still-goings-on are No Babis of course, writing more songs drawing on more composers and getting more musically out-there-- full length coming out in spring; yacob solo stuff which has shifted to performing with pre-recorded tracks so i can jump around-- music ranging from hardcore to electronoiz to free vocal improv to synthpop to bass clarinet art songs. i would still like to record the ten completed TFFW'z songs, but who knows when that will happen. and Sissy Fists is a song writing machine, working on our second tape currently. i am trying to do more scored music, or at least come up with the theories to apply before playing the instruments....